Rodent Control & Prevention

Rodents, such as rats, have lived with humans for centuries.  The Similkameen is no exception.  Unlike most creatures, the only way to successfully reduce rat populations is through extermination.  Trapping and relocating rats only serve to help spread rats - causing someone else grief.


The best way to avoid having to exterminate rats on your property is to take precautions to eliminate food attractants and potential homes for rat colonies.  Keep a clean and tidy property, including gardens and outbuildings.


Avoid Use of Chemicals

Known as rodenticides, rat poisons use blood thinning agents to kill rodents.  By the time they die, rats can have very high levels of anti-coagulants in their system.


Eagles, hawks, falcons, domestic dogs and cats that eat poisoned rodents can become poisoned, becoming sick or dying.  Older varieties of rodenticides, like WafarinTM, contain highly concentrated levels of blood thinners.  Newer rat poisons have been altered to break down faster, reducing poisonings of birds, dogs and cats, but can still hurt other animals and children.


If using rat poison be sure to follow all instructions and keep well away from pets and children.


Use Snap Traps Not Tar Traps

Snap traps are the preferred method for extermination.  They are easily available at hardware or home supply stores.  Snap traps must be placed where they cannot hurt other animals and children.


Be certain to remove the possibility for other animals and children accessing any type of trap.