The Village of Keremeos has released a tender for works at the wastewater treatment plant. Details of the tender along with downloadable documents are available from BC Bid's website.
Questions about the tender should be forwarded to:
Rob Wall, P. Eng. |
Village of Keremeos
c/o TRUE Consulting
#201 - 2079 Falcon Road
Kamloops, British Columbia
V2C 4J2 |
Phone: 1 (250) 828-0881 |
Fax: 1 (250) 828-0717 |
Sealed Tenders clearly marked "Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade" will be received at the Village of Keremeos Office, 702-4th Street, Box 160, Keremeos, B.C. V0X 1N0, up to 2:00pm local time, Tuesday, January 18, 2021. Tenders will be opened in public in the Village of Keremeos Office at 2:00 p.m. on the tender closing date.
The project comprises the following works:
· Cast in place bioreactors with integrated clarifiers,
· Blower and electrical building,
· Aerobic digester conversion,
· Related mechanical and electrical equipment
Tender Documents are available electronically on BC Bid. Printed copies are available from the offices of TRUE Consulting (Kamloops) at a cost of $100, which is non-refundable. A Planholder Registration Form must be completed and emailed to TRUE Consulting at in order to receive any addendums and/or additional information regarding this tender. It is the sole responsibility of the Planholder to ensure that the Registration Form has been received by TRUE Consulting.
Tenders must be accompanied by the following:
(1) A BID BOND, CASH DEPOSIT, CERTIFIED CHEQUE or IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CLEAN CREDIT in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Tendered Price.
(2) If a Bid Bond is provided, a CONSENT OF SURETY relating to subsequent security arrangements for PERFORMANCE and LABOUR AND MATERIALS PAYMENT GUARANTEES.
If the information stipulated above is not enclosed with the Tender at the time of opening, the Tender will be rejected.
Tenders received after the closing time will be returned unopened.
The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. |
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